What's New With 7.0.0

Discover the power of WireBox 7.0.0

You can read all about this release on our main What's New Page: https://coldbox.ortusbooks.com/readme/release-history/whats-new-with-7.0.0

Release Notes

The full release notes per library can be found below. Just click on the library tab and explore their release notes:


WIREBOX-133 BeanPopulator renamed to ObjectPopulator to be consistent with naming


WIREBOX-132 WireBox caches Singletons even if their autowired dependencies throw exceptions.

New Feature

WIREBOX-89 Wirebox - add onInjectorMissingDependency event

WIREBOX-130 Ability to remove specific objects from wirebox injector singleton's and request scopes via a `clear( key )` method

WIREBOX-131 Object Delegators

WIREBOX-134 Object Populator is now created by the Injector and it is now a singleton

WIREBOX-135 Object populator now caches orm entity maps, so they are ONLy loaded once and population with orm objects accelerates tremendously

WIREBOX-136 object populator cache relational metadata for faster population of the same objects

WIREBOX-137 New `this.population` marker for controlling mas population of objects. It can include an `include` and and `exclude` list.

WIREBOX-138 Lazy Properties

WIREBOX-139 Property Observers

WIREBOX-140 Transient request cache for injections and delegations

WIREBOX-141 New config setting transientInjectionCache to enable or disable globally, default is true

WIREBOX-142 You can now instantiate an Injector with the `binder` argument being the config structure instead of creating a binder

WIREBOX-143 New injection DSL for ColdBox Root Injector `coldbox:rootWireBox`

WIREBOX-144 Injectors can now track the root injector by having a root reference via `getRoot(), hasRoot()` methods

WIREBOX-145 New DSL for wirebox only root injectors: `wirebox:root`

Last updated

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