Instance Creations

We have now coded our classes and unit tests with some cool annotations in record time, so what do we do next? Well, WireBox works on the idea of three ways to discover and create your classes:

So let's do examples for each where our classes we just built are placed in a directory called model of the root directory.

Implicit Creation

injector = new wirebox.system.ioc.Injector();
espresso = injector.getInstance( "model.CoffeeShop" ).makeEspresso();

Explicit Binder Configuration


Explicit Creation

injector = new wirebox.system.ioc.Injector();
espresso = injector.getInstance("CoolShop").makeEspresso();

Scan Locations Binder Configuration

wirebox.scanLocations = ["model"];

Set Locations Creation

injector = new wirebox.system.ioc.Injector();
espresso = injector.getInstance("CoffeeShop").makeEspresso();

So our recommendation is to always try to create configuration binders as best practice, but your requirements might dictate something else.

Last updated