Here is my MethodLogger aspect that I will create:
Copy <cfcomponent output="false" implements="wirebox.system.aop.MethodInterceptor" hint="A simple interceptor that logs method calls and their results">
<--- Dependencies --->
<cfproperty name="log" inject="logbox:logger:{this}">
<--- init --->
<cffunction name="init" output="false" access="public" returntype="any" hint="Constructor">
<cfargument name="logResults" type="boolean" required="false" default="true" hint="Do we log results or not?"/>
instance = {
logResults = arguments.logResults
return this;
<--- invokeMethod --->
<cffunction name="invokeMethod" output="false" access="public" returntype="any" hint="Invoke an AOP method invocation">
<cfargument name="invocation" required="true" hint="The method invocation object: wirebox.system.aop.MethodInvocation">
var refLocal = {};
var debugString = "target: #arguments.invocation.getTargetName()#,method: #arguments.invocation.getMethod()#,arguments:#serializeJSON(arguments.invocation.getArgs())#";
// log incoming call
// proceed execution
refLocal.results = arguments.invocation.proceed();
// result logging and returns
if( structKeyExists(refLocal,"results") ){
if( instance.logResults ){
log.debug("#debugString#, results:", refLocal.results);
return refLocal.results;
You can see that I do some DI via annotations:
Copy <--- Dependencies --->
<cfproperty name="log" inject="logbox:logger:{this}">
A normal constructor with one optional argument for logging results:
Copy <--- init --->
<cffunction name="init" output="false" access="public" returntype="any" hint="Constructor">
<cfargument name="logResults" type="boolean" required="false" default="true" hint="Do we log results or not?"/>
instance = {
logResults = arguments.logResults
return this;
And our invokeMethod implementation:
Copy <--- invokeMethod --->
<cffunction name="invokeMethod" output="false" access="public" returntype="any" hint="Invoke an AOP method invocation">
<cfargument name="invocation" required="true" hint="The method invocation object: wirebox.system.aop.MethodInvocation">
var refLocal = {};
var debugString = "target: #arguments.invocation.getTargetName()#,method: #arguments.invocation.getMethod()#,arguments:#serializeJSON(arguments.invocation.getArgs())#";
// log incoming call
// proceed execution
refLocal.results = arguments.invocation.proceed();
// result logging and returns
if( structKeyExists(refLocal,"results") ){
if( instance.logResults ){
log.debug("#debugString#, results:", refLocal.results);
return refLocal.results;
As you can see, the before advice part is what happens before the execution of the real method (or more aspects) occurrs. So everything before the call to arguments.invocation.proceed()
Copy var refLocal = {};
var debugString = "target: #arguments.invocation.getTargetName()#,method: #arguments.invocation.getMethod()#,arguments:#serializeJSON(arguments.invocation.getArgs())#";
// log incoming call
Then we execute the real method or more aspects (we do not do anything around the method call):
Copy // proceed execution
refLocal.results = arguments.invocation.proceed();
Finally, we do the after advice part which happens after the method or other aspects fire and results are returned:
Copy // result logging and returns
if( structKeyExists(refLocal,"results") ){
if( instance.logResults ){
log.debug("#debugString#, results:", refLocal.results);
return refLocal.results;
That's it. I have succesfully created an aspect. What's next!