The Scope Interface

<cfinterface hint="The main interface to produce WireBox storage scopes">

    <---  init --->
    <cffunction name="init" output="false" access="public" returntype="any" hint="Configure the scope for operation and returns itself" colddoc:generic="wirebox.system.ioc.scopes.IScope">
        <cfargument name="injector" type="any" required="true" hint="The linked WireBox injector" colddoc:generic="wirebox.system.ioc.Injector"/>

    <---  getFromScope --->
    <cffunction name="getFromScope" output="false" access="public" returntype="any" hint="Retrieve an object from scope or create it if not found in scope">
        <cfargument name="mapping"         type="any" required="true"  hint="The object mapping" colddoc:generic="wirebox.system.ioc.config.Mapping"/>
        <cfargument name="initArguments"     type="any" required="false" hint="The constructor structure of arguments to passthrough when initializing the instance" colddoc:generic="struct"/>



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