This will register a new injection DSL namespace called ortus that maps to that instantiation component path.model.dsl.OrtusBuilder. Here is a very simple DSL Builder:
<cfcomponentimplements="wirebox.system.ioc.dsl.IDSLBuilder"output="false"> <--- init ---> <cffunctionname="init"output="false"access="public"returntype="any"hint="Configure the DSL for operation and returns itself"colddoc:generic="wirebox.system.ioc.dsl.IDSLBuilder"> <cfargumentname="injector"type="any"required="true"hint="The linked WireBox injector"colddoc:generic="wirebox.system.ioc.Injector"/> <cfscript> instance = { injector = arguments.injector }; instance.log = instance.injector.getLogBox().getLogger( this ); return this; </cfscript> </cffunction> <--- process ---> <cffunctionname="process"output="false"access="public"returntype="any"hint="Process an incoming DSL definition and produce an object with it."> <cfargumentname="definition"required="true"hint="The injection dsl definition structure to process. Keys: name, dsl"/> <cfargumentname="targetObject"required="false"hint="The target object we are building the DSL dependency for."/> <cfscript> var thisType = arguments.definition.dsl; var thisTypeLen = listLen(thisType,":"); var utilName = ""; // DSL stages switch(thisTypeLen){// Ortus case 1 : { return instance.injector.getInstance('ortusUtil'); }// Ortus:utility case 2 : { utilName =getToken(thisType,2,":");// Verify that cache existsif( instance.injector.containsInstance( 'Ortus#utilName'# ) ){returninstance.injector.getInstance( 'Ortus#utilName#' ); } else if( instance.log.canDebug() ){instance.log.debug("Cannot find named ortus utility #utilName# using definition: #arguments.definition.toString()#"); } break; } } // end level 2 main DSL</cfscript></cffunction></cfcomponent>
As you can see from the sample, creating your own DSL builder is fairly easy. The benefits of a custom DSL builder is that you can very easily create and extend the injection DSL language to your own benefit and if you are funky enough, override the behavior of the internal DSL Namespaces.